gastric juice 胃液。
胃液。 “gastric“ 中文翻譯: adj. 胃的。 “juice“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(菜蔬、果實、植物等的)汁、液、漿。 2.〔 ...“artificial gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 人工胃液“collection of gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 胃液采取術“gastric juice analysis“ 中文翻譯: 胃液分析“gastric juice test“ 中文翻譯: 胃液檢查“promote the secretion of gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 促進胃液的分泌“regurgitation of gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 胃酸反流“retention of gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 胃液潴留“secrete gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 分泌胃液“succus gastricus; gastric juice“ 中文翻譯: 胃液“juice“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(菜蔬、果實、植物等的)汁、液、漿。 2.〔 pl.〕體液。 3.精,精髓,精力。 4.〔美俚〕電,電流,汽油,液體燃料,硝化甘油。 5.〔俚語〕酒〔尤指威士忌酒〕,冷飲。 6.(舞臺等的)照明員,燈光員。 7.〔俚語〕非法之財,油水;高利;薪水,收入。 8.高利貸款。 9.〔俚語〕權勢,地位。 fruit juice果子汁。 grape juice葡萄汁。 meat juice肉汁。 the juices 體液。 duodenal juice(s) 十二指腸液。 gastric juice(s) 胃液。 the juice of life 生命的活力,元氣。 juiced rehearsal 電視節目預演。 full of juice充滿活力;盛氣凌人。 give her juice〔美俚〕 1. 設法使事情進行順利。 2. 開快(汽車的)速度。 stew in one's own juice自作自受。 tread [step] on the juice加速,促進。 vt. 1.〔口語〕從…中榨汁。 2.在…中加汁。 3.〔美俚〕使觸電死亡;以電刑處決(死囚等)。 juice a cow 擠牛奶。 juice up 使有精力,使活躍。 adj. -less 無汁的。 “juice juice“ 中文翻譯: 是果汁“gastric phase of gastric secretion“ 中文翻譯: 胃液分泌胃期“filtered juice (press juice)“ 中文翻譯: 濾過汁“pineapple juice lemon juice“ 中文翻譯: 青檸汁“a gastric bypass“ 中文翻譯: 胃替代管“a gastric tube“ 中文翻譯: 胃管“gastric antiacids“ 中文翻譯: 抗胃酸藥“gastric achylia“ 中文翻譯: 胃液缺乏“gastric acid“ 中文翻譯: 胃酸“gastric acidity“ 中文翻譯: 胃酸度; 胃液酸度“gastric adenocarcinoma“ 中文翻譯: 胃腺癌“gastric anacidity“ 中文翻譯: 胃酸缺乏“gastric analysis“ 中文翻譯: 胃液分析
gastric ulcer |
Sodium plays a number of vital roles in the human body , contributing to the metabolizing of protein and carbohydrates , the transmission of nerve impulses , muscle contraction , hormone regulation , consumption of oxygen by cells , control of urine production , thirst , and the production of liquids ( blood , saliva , tears , perspiration , gastric juices , and bile ) 鈉擔任人體維持生命所必需的角色,貢獻為蛋白質和碳水化合物的代謝、神經沖動傳輸、肌肉收縮,調節內分泌,細胞氧的消耗,控制尿的生成、乾渴,和液體(血液、唾液、眼淚、汗水、胃汁液和膽汁)的產生。 |
It has a high entrapment efficiency of 98 . 3 % , particle size distributing within 5 - 7u m , viscid coefficient of 1432 centipoise . antigen was stable after multiple emulsion treated with gastric juice for 0 . 5 - 6h . study on distribution in vivo of me revealed that me could stay for a long time in stomach and that antigen concentration in mesentery was increased with time and reached peak at 24h 疫苗復乳的包封率為98 . 3 % ,粒徑主要分布于2 ~ 10pm之間,集中于5一7pm ,粘度為1432厘泊,體內分布實驗顯示, 6h胃中的抗原濃度仍很高,腸系膜淋巴結中的放射量24h最高,與胃液作用0 . 5 ~ 6小時復乳中的抗原不受影響,口服免疫小鼠后明顯提高了rhp疫苗的免疫應答水平。 |
Antigen in me was stable after treated with gastric juice for 6h . me has significantly enhanced the immune efficiency of rhp . in this study , high specific antibodies levels were induced in serum , gastric and intestinal mucosa of balb / c mice immunized with rhp by oral , rectal and intranasal route Rhp疫苗經鼻腔、直腸及口服免疫小鼠后,均在小鼠的血清、胃粘膜、小腸粘膜沖洗液中產生了較強的特異性免疫應答,并產生了明顯的抗hp的免疫保護。 |
The concepts of digestion and absorption ; characteristics of gut smooth muscle ; the character , component and function of gastric juice ; gastric receptive relaxation and gastric peristalsis ; forms of small intestine motor ; absorption and mechanism of mostly nutrients in small intestine 消化和吸收的概念;消化管平滑肌的特性;胃液的性質、成分和作用;胃的容受性舒張和蠕動;小腸運動的形式;主要營養物質在小腸內的吸收及機制。 |
The scent in green tea a group of things with common features compound can be deliquescent adipose , change chaotic to go be bored with prevents adipose inside the body that accumulate sluggish , and vitaminic b1 , c and caffein can promote gastric juice to secrete , peptic with disappear fat 綠茶中的芳香族化合物能溶解脂肪,化濁去膩防止脂肪積滯體內,而維他命b1 、 c和咖啡因能促進胃液分泌,有助消化與消脂。 |
Pharmacological study : after human taking gizzard - membrane , the secretory volume of gastric juice increases . the acidity and the digestive power are both enhanced . and the later enhancement appears a little slower and lasts longer 藥理研究:人口服內金后,胃液分泌量增多,酸度消化力均見提高,其中消化力增加出現較遲緩,維持也持久,服內金后,胃動力明顯增強,大大提高胃排空率。 |
They could : and watch it all the way down , swallow a pin sometimes come out of the ribs years after , tour round the body , changing biliary duct , spleen squirting liver , gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes 有時又在幾年后從肋骨里冒出來了。在體內周游一道,經過不斷起著變化的膽汁導管,把憂郁噴了出去的肝臟,胃液,像管子般彎彎曲曲的腸子。 |
Tomatoes also contain a special element - of tomato , help digestion , diuretic , to help digest fat gastric juice , tomato - can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that can cure deficiency 西紅柿中還含有一種特殊成分? ?番茄素,有助于消化、利尿,能協助胃液消化脂肪,番茄素還能抑制細菌和真菌的生長,可治療口角炎。 |
Orange orange on the digestion is one of the major role in the volatile oil containing a stimulating effect on the digestive tract , can increase the secretion of gastric juice and promote gastric peristalsis 橘皮橘皮對消化的促進作用主要是其中含有的揮發油對消化道有刺激作用,可增加胃液的分泌,促進胃腸蠕動。 |
Intestiflora utilises nutrilite ' s patented dual micro - encapsulation technology to ensure the active probiotic organisms survive gastric juices and are delivered direct to the intestines 吸收百分百?健爾力采用專利晶球技術,以耐酸性黏膜和植物油形成保護膜,包裹10億益菌,免受胃酸破壞,發揮最高活性效能。 |
Concept of gastrointestinal hormones ; innervation of diestive system ; gastric emptying and it ' s regulation ; the secretion regulation of gastric juice , pancreatic juice , bile and small intestine fluid 胃腸激素的概念;消化系統的神經支配;胃排空及其調節;胃液、胰液、膽汁和小腸液分泌的調節。 |
The rice - based vaccine was also resistant to digestion by gastric juices in the stomach and remained active even after long - term storage at room temperature 另外,該水稻疫苗還不容易被胃液消化,而且在可以在室溫的貯藏條件下長期存活。 |
Aged - related factors : reduced production of digestive juice like saliva , gastric juice , bile and enzymes can reduce the effectiveness of digestion 生理改變:唾液胃液消化酵素和膽汁減少,影響消化功能。 |
The hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is the main cause of the inactivation of pigg 相對而言,胃酸造成的變性要較胰蛋白酶的水解對pigg活性的影響更大。 |
A primary study on the value of uv - absorbing spectrum of gastric juice in the diagnosis of gastric cancer 胃液紫外光吸收光譜對胃癌診斷價值的初步探討 |
Detection of h . pylori in gastric mucosa , gastric juice and saliva in children with polymerase chain reaction 技術在兒童幽門螺桿菌感染中的應用 |
Clinical study on gushen granule and its effect on gastric acid secretion and cea in gastric juice 谷神沖劑對胃泌酸功能及癌胚抗原影響的研究 |
Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice 胃里可分泌出鹽酸,而鹽酸是胃液的組成部分。 |
Gastric juices help us digest our food 胃液能幫助消化。 |